The spine enables movement and experience. From within the brain all the way down to the tail the spine curves and bends through 33 connected vertebrae.

Focus: Improving flexibility, posture, and reducing back pain.

  • Sense the tail of your spine, gently tucked under.

  • Sense the top of your spine and feel the lightness of your head resting on top of the last vertebrae. Find comfort and ease in micro-movements. Breath.

  • In your minds-eye, slowly track the spine up and down, notice the curves and bends.

  • As you breath have a sense of breathing into the spine, bringing space between the vertebrae.

  • Use the breath to explore subtle movement of the spine.

  • Follow what feels good.

  • If you have been sitting, can you continue the subtle ‘spinal dance’ standing, or maybe lying?

The next exercise in the sequence is SKIN & TOUCH